"On Thursday, cash deposits were Rs 21,150 crore while exchanges were Rs 723 crore. Till 6 pm today, cash deposited was Rs 17,527 crore and exchanges stood at Rs 943 crore," SBI Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya told reporters here.
In the beginning of the press conference, however, the bank had said it had received Rs 53,000 crore since yesterday. But later clarified this with Rs 38,670 crore. She said whatever is exchanged and deposited, it has been replenished in the system.
She said all issues will be sorted in the next one or two days but there will not be any cash shortage.
The bank in just one day (Thursday) received Rs 18,000 crore in its Casa. "In one day our savings deposit have gone up by Rs 11,000 crore. Normally, deposit go up by about Rs 8,000 crore per month. Our current account deposit has gone up by 7,000 crore all in one day," she said.
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"This kind of a demonetisation effort is very disinflationary. As it is disinflationary we believe lending rates will come down," she said.
Asked whether demonetisation will affect demand, she said only demand of luxury items will be impacted.
"Overall there will be no fall in demand. Demand is actually created from the bottom..From the rural people it comes up to urban people and then upwards. So, that demand will be good," she added.