Srikanta, who launched the album 'Rudali Haoa' by professor-turned-singer Tanika Bhattacharya, told PTI, "The situation was not the same even 15 years back."
"We used to have jalsa (musical soiree) especially during pujas in those days. Now though the soirees do take place, the time restriction, people's preoccupation with other work and change in mindset made such functions stripped of the past soul," Srikanto said.
Coming to the future of cd music, the meliflous singer said, "Our genberation are not familiar with web and digital world, the way our children are getting estranged from past treasures like long playing records and cassettes and gradually cds," Srikanto saud.
About the alubm, he said, "She is a gifted singer. And I wish people don't shun the habit of hearing songs from cds if we want young talents to grow.