These two contracts are awarded under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana of 12th Plan (2012-17), the company said in a press release today.
According to the statement, the scope of work for these two projects includes supply and erection of rural electrification work, construction and augmentation of substation, installation of distribution transformers and connections to below poverty line consumers in the districts.
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The company bagged these projects shortly after it announced its debut in T&D with two orders for rural electrification by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
"Electrification of these districts will give much awaited development to the remote regions of Odisha and Punj Lloyd is proud to be involved in this transformation. With this, Punj Lloyd will be executing four T&D orders with a cumulative value of about Rs 1,000 crore", C K Thakur, President & CEO Power, Punj Lloyd said.
The Group's order backlog stands at Rs 20,283 crore. The order backlog is the value of unexecuted orders on September 30, 2015 and new orders received after that date.
The Punj Lloyd Group is a diversified international conglomerate offering EPC services in Energy and Infrastructure along with engineering and manufacturing capabilities in the Defence sector.