Most of the cases were reported from Pehchan Nagar, a dalit colony in Mansa Devi Nagar, Senior Medical Officer of Phagwara civil hospital Jaswinder Singh today said, adding that none of them is an emergency case.
Of the 17 patients affected in the area, 14 are under ten, two in their teens while one patient is 36-years-old, he said.
Another case of jaundice was reported from Khalyan village of Phagwara Sub-division.
The SMO said over 20,000 chlorine tablets have been distributed in Pehchan Nagar, whereas blood samples were taken and sent to Government Medical College, Amritsar for tests.
In addition to that, fogging is also being carried out in the locality, and free medicines are given to patients, the SMO said.
Residents have been advised to only drink boiled water and keep their surroundings clean, he said.