Though increase in revenue has been targeted, the minimum retail prices of Punjab Made Medium Liquor and Indian Made Foreign Liquor have been kept at same level as the current year, a state government spokesman said here.
"The basic thrust of the policy was to provide good quality liquor at affordable prices to the consumers. The prices of country liquor, which is consumed by common man, will be brought down from the current level. This will be ensured by a Price Control Cell in the Department," he said.
The quota of country liquor was pegged at 9.80 crore proof litres as against 9.50 crore proof litres during the current year. The quota of IMFL was retained at the existing level of 4.5 crore proof litres.
This year, canned beer, both light and strong, was going to be made available at the duty of light beer.
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This measure has been introduced with the intention of weaning away people from hard drinking, he said.
The liquor served in the functions at marriage palaces would be made available at lesser prices. Now people could buy liquor from any vend in the relevant circle. There should not be any checking during the functions barring in exceptional circumstances, the new policy says.
This year, the number of vends have not been increased and have been kept at 6,464 liquor vends.