Punjab Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh has offered star woman cricketer Harmanpreet Kaur the Deputy Superintendent of Police's (DSP) position in Punjab Police, saying he wants to "correct a wrong" done to her in the past.
Harmanpreet played a crucial role in India reaching the final of the ICC World Cup in England. Her hurricane knock of 171 against Australia in the semifinals was the highlight of her contribution.
Having already announced a cash prize of Rs 5 lakh for the batter, the CM offered her a job after speaking to her father Harmandar Singh in Moga.
Harmanpreet had reportedly wanted to join the Punjab Police some years ago but had been denied by the force.
Amarinder said it was a "wrong perpetrated on the young cricketer by the previous Badal government, which had refused to accommodate the national player in Punjab Police."
The chief minister also promised to review the state's sports policy to provide government jobs to young sportspersons like Harmanpreet.
Harmanpreet played a crucial role in India reaching the final of the ICC World Cup in England. Her hurricane knock of 171 against Australia in the semifinals was the highlight of her contribution.
Having already announced a cash prize of Rs 5 lakh for the batter, the CM offered her a job after speaking to her father Harmandar Singh in Moga.
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Amarinder said it was a "wrong perpetrated on the young cricketer by the previous Badal government, which had refused to accommodate the national player in Punjab Police."
The chief minister also promised to review the state's sports policy to provide government jobs to young sportspersons like Harmanpreet.