A Mandi Gobindgarh-based firm in Punjab had submitted fake C-form worth around Rs 23 crore with regard to sale of steel chairs, said J K Jain, Deputy Excise & Taxation Commissioner (DETC), Ludhiana.
According to Jain said, the company had supplied steel chairs to some Delhi-based firms.
"When a company supplies some products to some firm outside the state (which in this case is Delhi), that firm is charged tax at 2 per cent rate as per the section 8(4) and rule 12(1) of Central Sales Tax Act 1956," he said.
The firm in question had submitted 11 different C-form's worth Rs 22.53 crore with the department and on the basis of this deposited VAT at 2 per cent, Jain informed.
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Jain said the department got suspicious and got the C-Form's submitted by the company scrutinised from Trade & Taxes Department, New Delhi.
Assistant Commissioner, Trade and Taxes Department, New Delhi, has confirmed that the C-Form's mentioned by the firm were never issued by the Department, he said.
The department has written to the SHO of Mandi Gobindgarh town of Punjab to register an FIR against the company.