In a letter written by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal to Union Chemicals and Fertilizer Minister Ananth Kumar, he said after reviewing the current position again, it was found that Punjab had received 1,23,435 MTs of urea. This leaves a shortfall of 2,17,738 MTs of urea to be supplied by November 30, he added.
The Chief Minister asked the Union Minister that supplies of urea to Punjab might be increased to make up the shortfall of 2,17,738 MTs.
Expressing concern over the slow movement of fertilizers required by Punjab for Rabi season 2014-15, the Chief Minister said that it could impair the financial health of the farmers.
He informed the Union Minister that sowing of wheat crop was at its peak now and the farmers of the State were required to be given timely supplies of urea, failing which the area under wheat was likely to be adversely affected.
The Chief Minister also informed Union minister Ananth Kumar that the officers of the state agriculture department have, time and again, met the concerned officers of the Union Ministry, requesting them to hasten supplies of urea in requisite quantities.
However, he said that despite repeated requests, supplies were still slow and insufficient. "I, therefore, request for your indulgence in the matter to ensure timely supplies of the balance requirement of urea for the state" said Badal.