Ludhiana Deputy Commissioner Ravi Bhagat said that a nodal officer had been appointed at district-level for checking illegal mining.
For the benefit of complainants, a helpline number and email address have also been started, he added.
"I am shocked to know that legal crusher owners were imposed 'Goonda Tax or Jizya' by the Mining Mafia in Punjab. I vow that within 24 hours of AAP's coming into power, this 'Goonda Tax' will end in the state," Kejriwal said while addressing a rally here.
Besides, a helpline number has been started at the DC's camp office for receiving complaints with regard to illegal mining.
The Deputy Commissioner said the email address and helpline number would remain operational 24X7.
The government would not tolerate any illegal mining in the state and if a person indulges in illegal activity, he would be strictly dealt with, an official spokesman said.