Punjab's Principal Health Secretary, Vini Mahajan has asked the civil surgeons to upload the latest information and activities of their respective districts on the Health Department website to make it accessible to millions of people with a single click on computers, an official spokesperson said.
She was addressing a meeting of Health Department officials and representatives of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh here.
She also asked them to put up proper signages to easily locate hospitals and ensure adequate coverage of health related issues and events in the media, the Health Department spokesperson said.
The Principal Health Secretary suggested the officials to initiate crisp wall writings to catch immediate attention of the public and also good printed pamphlets and posters for distribution purpose.
Mahajan also asked district health officers to ensure that LED TVs are installed at all hospitals and monitored regularly so that the health messages played on it can be easily understood by layman.
Schools can also be involved regarding awareness on common health issues like malaria, dengue, water borne diseases and hygiene, she said.