Punjab Police has introduced various measures to increase professionalism in police working, ensure availability and accountability of officers posted in the field and put into place a scheme to augment night time deployment of personnel, an official release said.
DGP Suresh Arora has directed that all SHOs, DSPs/ACPs, SPs/ADCPs and senior officers posted in the districts would be physically present at the stations where they have been posted, and they would not leave the station without prior permission of competent authority, the release said.
All concerned officers in their respective zones have been asked to prepare a 'Night Policing Plan' for the districts/area in their jurisdiction, it added.
"Zonal IGPs and CPs would send Daily Reports to the DGP about details of static and mobile police deployment during night. The night time police deployment would be checked by deputing senior police officers from police headquarters on a regular basis," the release added.