Kumari (AISF) were elected the President and General Secretary of the Patna University Students Union (PUSU) in the polls held after a gap of 27 years, a Patna University (PU) official said today.
Sinha, son of the BJP MLA Arun Sinha defeated his nearest rival Divya Gautam (AISF) by 168 votes, PUSU election committee chairman Prof U K Sinha said.
Sinha polled 1896 votes as against 1728 votes secured by Gautam.
AISF's Anshuman was elected as the PUSU Vice-President defeated his nearest rival Abhishek Kumar by a slender margin of 79 votes.
The AISF also bagged the post of General Secretary as its candidate Anshu Kumari vanquished Chhatra RJD's Saif Danish Karim by a wide margin of 960 votes.
Kumari polled 2203 votes - the highest number of votes polled by any candidate in the PUSU polls - as against her rival's 1243 votes.