PwC India on Tuesday said the company has planned to hire 1,200 people with engineering and data analytics background for its Kolkata next year.
PwC India will also hire an additional 2,000 people in the city over the next 3 years.
"PwC India plans to hire 1,200 people with engineering and data analytics background in Kolkata next year, many of whom will work for its newly inaugurated future-ready IoT Lab and the Artificial Intelligence Centre of Excellence. Other areas of hiring would be in digital experience-led transformations, cloud and blockchain," the company said in a statement.
Housed in PwC's newly constructed 60,000 sq ft sprawling facility in the city, these labs will be used to incubate new solutions to address issues that are impacting businesses globally like Industry 4.0.
"East, especially Kolkata, has been an important part of our 140-year-old legacy and it continues to play a pivotal role in our growth journey. We are the only Big 4 firm to have a large consulting delivery centre in this part of the country," PwC India managing partner-East, Arnab Basu said.
"We are 6000 people strong in the region and are committed to develop the pool here by offering them multi-competency growth opportunities," he said.
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The organisation also has plans to showcase its IoT capabilities by transforming their entire Salt Lake office premises into a smart building in the months to come.
Besides Kolkata, PwC India has offices in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Raipur.