The accused, identified as Niranjan Parasram Chavan, had posted a senior clerk at the Pandharkawda office of PWD, had sought money from the complaint to clear his father's retirement dues, including pension, gratuity, group insurance benefits and leave encashment, Deputy SP of Yavatmal ACB, N S Tadvi, said.
The complainant's father was a former employee of the PWD.
The complainant had requested clearance of his father's dues. But the accused had purposefully delayed the payment of claims of the retired employees, police said.
Meanwhile, he approached the ACB, which laid a trap in the office of the Executive Engineer, PWD of Pandharkawda and sent the complainant to the accused with a sum of Rs 3,100 as promised and was caught accepting the bribe.
The accused has been booked under relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act, the ACB said.