The bank account of Danesh has been frozen, the officer told PTI adding that, "Two fixed deposits were linked to his bank account. Cash and FDs collectively valued at Rs 25 lakh were found in the account."
The scrutinisation of Danesh's bank account revealed that about Rs 40 lakh had been received from QNet (over a period of time) in 2013, the officer added.
Complainant Gurupreet Singh Anand, who had filed an FIR against the QNet in August last year, has recently approached the probing agency, Mumbai Police's Economic Offences Wing (EOW), with a two-page complaint giving the details of alleged links of Danesh.
Gurupreet has also alleged that Boman Irani and former world billiards champion Michael Ferreira had participated in the promotional events.
Gurupteet had claimed that he shared Danesh Irani's QNet membership details with the investigators and his account had shown that he carried out Rs 18 crore worth transactions and because of which he received substantial amount of commission.