Rashtriya Janata Dal President Lalu Prasad on Tuesday credited his wife Rabri Devi for making the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh opt for trousers after shedding the trademark shorts, which its volunteers had worn for 90 years.
"We forced RSS to wear trouser. Rabri Devi had rightly said that they (RSS men) do not have wisdom. Elderly cadres roam freely wearing half pant without shame," Lalu said on Twitter.
Rabri's statement forced them to transform, the RJD supremo said in a series of tweets.
RSS volunteers cast away the khaki shorts, their trademark attire for nine decades, and put on trousers beginning on Tuesday, heralding a generational change in the organisation which is ruling Bharatiya Janata Party's ideological mentor.
In an another Twitter message, Lalu said,"Right now we have forced them to wear trouser from short. Likewise we will get their mind also become full...Not only trouser but their thinking also needs a transformation...We will force them to shun weapon and would not allow them to spread venom."
During an RJD function in Patna in January, former chief minister Rabri Devi had made a pointed attack at RSS for its volunteers wearing khaki shorts and "elderly cadres roam freely wearing shorts without feeling shame".
On the Vijayadashmi day, also RSS' foundation day, its volunteers donned smart dark brown trousers in place of khaki shorts at a ceremony in Nagpur attended by its chief Mohan Bhagwat.