Enthusiastic over BJP's thumping victory in the Lok Sabha elections this year, supporters and "fans" are trying to reach out to the cyber community to promote leaders of their liking as the next CM of the state on social networking sites, though the BJP has distanced itself from such kind of campaigns.
Most of these leaders, for whom support is being elicited in the virtual world, are offsprings of BJP national bigwigs.
Other prominent names are -- state BJP president Laxmi Kant Bajpai and MP from Gorakhpur Yogi Adityanath.
A Facebook page dedicated to Pankaj, who is also the state general secretary of BJP, has been created by "CM for UP fans club" and has a friend list of more than 4,000 people.
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The BJP leader, however, said he was not in favour of such kind of campaigning.
Another leader who has a page dedicated to him on the social networking website is Sultanpur MP Varun Gandhi.
The page, created by a group which claims itself to be 'Varun Gandhi Youth Brigade', has been promoting the national secretary as the next Chief Minister.
Incidentally, Maneka had recently said in Pilibhit that UP would have benefited had there been a BJP-led government in the state with Varun as its chief minister.
"It would have been better had there been our government in the state then we would have got work done authoritatively. It would have been even better if the government would have been run by Varun, in that case Pilibhit should have benefited most," she had said during a meeting in Takia village.