The two sides are also likely to discuss the over Rs 20,000 crore Maitri surface-to-air missile system project alongside holding parleys on the regional and global security situation including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
The Rafale deal, estimated to be over Rs 60,000 crore, is also expected to come up during the talks along with the SR-SAM project, which is in the final stages of negotiations between the two governments, sources said here.
During the interaction between External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Fabius, the two sides are expected to take up Jaitapur nuclear power project where the two countries are planning installation of six nuclear power plants in a phased manner, the sources said.
The French side was waiting for the new government to assume office in Delhi to restart negotiations as it wanted to know the approach of the new dispensation under Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue of using nuclear energy, they said.