Making light of the Congress vice president's charge, BJP said it was a case of "pot calling the kettle black" and alleged that he believed in shouting "untruth" day after day to make it sound credible.
"These are baseless allegations. This is a case of pot calling the kettle black. Congress ruled for 60 years and there is still widespread poverty and unemployment. There is shortage of power and water. They have created these problems while the Modi government is working to solve them.
If Gandhi is sincere about benefiting the poor, his party should allow Parliament to run so that issues concerning the poor can be debated and laws aimed at their welfare be passed, he said. "He should do some homework."
Linking the Rohith Vemula and Kanhaiya Kumar issues with rights of the marginalised, Gandhi today accused the government of "crushing" the weak and the poor who demand their rights.