Taking a swipe at Gandhi, BJP said the script-writer he hired after his 56-day sabbatical had "failed" him and mocked that everyday he spoke two lines aimed at media headlines but without knowing the facts of the matter.
"It's irresponsible and immature from the leader of a national party to speak of the Prime Minister in such a language. He has crossed all limits of decency in public life. His new strategy is 'spit and run'. It won't work. People are more mature than this.
He also agreed with his ministerial colleague Nitin Gadkari's comments earlier that criminal defamation case may be filed against Gandhi for calling External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's alleged help to Lalit Modi a "criminal act".
BJP is particularly peeved with Gandhi over his recent jibe at Modi over the contentious land bill, saying people will reduce his 56 inch (chest) to 5.6 inch.
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Congress, he said, did not expect the government to be ready for a debate when it said it was willing for a discussion. The opposition party "ran away" from discussion.
"Congress asked for a debate. We said yes, Sushma Swaraj said yes, (Rajya Sabha) Chairman said yes but it said no," he said.
Javadekar said the government had been reaching out to the the opposition to break the impasse but the Congress had been unrelenting.