Returning the compliment to Modi, who had campaigned against Gandhi in Amethi earlier this week, the Congress vice president rolled out his journey from the Muslim-dominated Gol Gadda area with his party candidate Ajay Rai, waving to the cheering crowds covering a distance of 12 km in four hours.
Rahul's show of strength in Varanasi on the last day of campaigning, covered a distance longer than those taken by Modi and AAP leadcer Arvind Kejriwal, although in opposite direction.
"We are fighting to win. We are confident of out victory," said Ghulam Nabi Azad who has been camping in Varanasi.
The family members of late maestro Ustad Bismillah Khan played shehnai during the roadshow. Earlier, the family had refused to become a proposer for Modi when he had filed nomination for the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat on April 24.