Vishwas, who is likely to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha polls from the Amethi segment, also alleged that if Gandhi became Prime Minister of the country scams bigger than the one involving 2G spectrum allocation would happen.
Talking to reporters, the poet-turned-politician said, "I am not here to do politics, but to change the way politics is being done..."
On Sultanpur MP Sanjay Singh's nomination to the Rajya Sabha from Assam, Vishwas said that "whatever Rahul does he could not avert his defeat" from Amethi. Earlier there was speculation that Singh, who holds considerable influence in Amethi, could join the BJP.
Regarding revolt within the AAP, he said the media was concentrating more on his party-led government in Delhi formed a month ago. There are other governments and organisations in the country, but no one was looking towards them.
The AAP leader today met people at Raghipur in Gauriganj, Ghatampur in Jamo block, and with the leader of employees' union of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).