"In view of the extension of Lok Sabha session, Rahul Gandhi's Kisan Padyatra in Telangana has been postponed to May 14-15 from the earlier dates of May 11-12," a message from AICC said.
It said that Gandhi will reach Telangana on May 14 and begin the march on the morning of the next day.
This will be the second leg of Rahul's padyatra on farmers's issues that had begun from Vidarbha on April 30.
Before that, Gandhi had made visits to grain markets in Punjab.
The five villages Wadial, Rachapur, Pottupally, Laxmanchanda and Koratikal that he will cover are in Adilabad district. The padyatra will culminate with a meeting of party workers.
The budget session of the Lok Sabha, which was to conclude today, is to be extended by three more days and will end on May 13 with government set to push the contentious land acquisition bill.