Taking a dig at BJP's prime ministerial candidate over his 'chowkidar' (watchman) comment, Rahul said, "The chowkidar sold 45,000 acres of farmers' land at a rate of Rs 1 per sq meter to Adanis in Gujarat. The industrialist then sold the land at Rs 800 per sq meter. His company, which was worth Rs 3,000, is now worth Rs 40,000 crore. But nobody got a job there."
"BJP talks about women empowerment. 20,000 women are missing in Chhattisgarh. They beat women in Karnataka, policemen are sent behind women (in Gujarat)," Gandhi said.
Modi could not see the corruption in Chhattisgarh, a BJP-ruled state, he alleged.
While Congress brought the Right to Information Act, the post of Information Commissioner was vacant in Gujarat, he said.
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"Congress wants development for all, development of the country not the development of just two-three businessmen."
"The marketing strategy of the opposition is indeed good but our work is much better," he said.
Rahul also said Chhattisgarh was rich in natural resources but only few were benefiting from it, and not the downtrodden and poor tribals.