Acting on the directions of the Chandigarh Deputy Commissioner-cum-Estate Officer, a joint team of Enforcement Wing, Building Branch and Excise and Taxation department "conducted a raid on the local offices/company-owned stores of the Mobile Tower Companies in the jurisdiction of UT, Chandigarh".
An official release here tonight said that the offices/ stores sealed due to building violation and misuse of premises include Airtel office at Information Technology Park, Reliance in DLF Building, IT Park, company store of Tata Docomo in Sector 9, company store of Idea Cellular in Sector 35 and company store of Vodafone in Sector 35, Chandigarh.
It further said that the mobile tower companies were also directed in a notice in June this year to supply a complete list with addresses of all mobile towers already installed by them within the jurisdiction of the Chandigarh administration.
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The authorities maintained that "whereas lukewarm response was given by the mobile tower companies to the notice dated June 29, 2015, taking a lenient view, all tower companies were served with a notice dated July 21 to attend a meeting with authorities concerned on July 24". However, "no proper response was given this time again", they added.
The mobile tower companies allegedly also failed to produce a complete list of all mobile towers installed by them in Chandigarh with the Union Territory administration claiming it had warned them of stern action in a final notice sent on August 3.
"This clearly shows that the companies are not interested in engaging with the administration or abiding by the rule of law," it said.
Chandigarh administration has ordered sealing of the office premises of various mobile tower companies functioning within the jurisdiction of the Union Territory till they supply the list of all towers installed by them within the UT.
The de-sealing of these premises would done only when the mobile service providers share details of their installed mobile towers, it said.