Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu while presenting the budget for 2016-17 today in Parliament said, "To capture the automobile traffic, we will soon inaugurate India's first rail auto hub in Chennai."
Reacting to the announcement, Hyundai Motor India Ltd Senior Vice-President (Sales & Marketing) Rakesh Srivastava told PTI, "Last mile connectivity, reduced logistic costs and time, (are) addressed in one big infrastructure move enabling mass transportation of vehicles with the Auto Hub at Chennai giving a big support to the auto industry."
Welcoming the proposal to develop rail side logistics parks and warehousing in PPP mode, he said, "This is indeed a welcome move as it will bring in significant efficiencies and reduction in logistic costs for many automobile OEMs in and around the Chennai region, including us."
In his speech, Prabhu said inadequacy of warehousing and transportation facilities was also one of the causes that kept potential customers away from the railways.
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He further said, "With the coming in of TRANSLOC, the Transport Logistics Company of India, we will be witness to a paradigm shift in our role as a national logistics provider. The focus will be on providing last mile connectivity for freight business and significant reduction in logistic costs. At least 10 goods sheds will be developed by TRANSLOC in 2016-17."
"Chennai is one of major auto hubs in India and needs efficient and cost-effective infrastructure and logistics support. Now, with the rail auto hub, it will be a much-needed shot in the arm for economical, timely and efficient transportation of our cars to the port and will aid our export strategy immensely," Sicard said.
Nissan India is one of the largest exporters of passenger cars and has reached the landmark export figure of six lakh cars recently.
Later in the day, Ford India said that as part of the automotive industry, it has been advocating first and last mile connectivity in multi-modal logistics as a key focus area of the infrastructural development.
"The announcement of Rail Auto Hub in Chennai, therefore, is significant and would help southern auto OEMs to improve their logistical multi-modal efficiencies significantly," the company said in a statement.
The Auto Hub will encourage transportation of cars through railways, thereby offering a greener logistical solutions through decongestion of road traffic, it added.