"We are targeting Rs 1,000 crore revenue over the next two years from around Rs 550 crore in financial year 2014-15," RailTel chairman and managing director R K Bahuguna said here last evening.
Bahuguna was in the city to showcase their latest product Telepresence -- full HD video-conferencing services available to corporates and government departments on a rental basis.
On the services, RailTel director A Seshagiri Rao said: "We are targeting Rs 50 crore fees in the first year itself from Telepresence services."
On company's main revenue contributers Bahuguna said, about 25 per cent of its revenue comes from enterprise connectivity fees from telecom companies, another 25 per cent from government including educational institutes, 15 per cent from cable multi-system operators (MSOs).
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Indian railways share, however, is just 10 per cent, while project execution business is also gaining momentum, he said.
Over the years, as telecom companies are building their own optical fibre cable (OFC) network, the state enterprise is trying to foray into new avenues such retail broadband and telepresence services.
Bahuguna further said: "Retail broadband will be another focus, we have already launched 'Rail Wire' brand broadband in south and now we are looking for partners to launch it in eastern region.