"Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel and I have agreed to set up a SPV for speedy implementation of railway projects in the state," Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu told PTI on the sidelines of 64th foundation day of National Academy of the Indian Railway here late last night.
The SPV is expected to cater to the development of Sabarmati and Surat railway stations and other projects.
During a meeting with Prabhu yesterday, Patel discussed the progress on Ahmedabad Metro project and raised the issue of 38 permissions pending with the railways at zonal and divisional levels for canal crossings under the Sardar Sarovar Canal project.
The Chief Minister sought his help in expediting various rail projects crucial for the faster development of Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) and Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor's Gujarat area.
She also requested Prabhu for connecting Gandhinagar with the capitals of other states, introduction of new trains in Gujarat and stressed the need for expansion and conversion of railway network in the state.
Prabhu assured Patel of considering her request on integrated transport system - regional rail and metro rail transport system between Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.