"The Budget Estimates for goods, passenger, other coaching and sundry other earnings have been kept at Rs 1,05,770 crore, Rs 45,255 crore, Rs 4,200 crore and Rs 5,500 crore, respectively, in 2014-15," Railways Minister Mallikarjun Kharge said in the Lok Sabha while unveiling the Interim Rail Budget.
In the current financial year, earnings from freight and passenger services are estimated at Rs 1,31,500 crore.
No increase in passenger fares and freight rates has been proposed in the Interim Rail Budget for 2014-15.
Budgetary support from general revenue has been proposed at Rs 30,223 crore, it said.
"Anticipating a healthier growth of economy, the freight traffic target is proposed at 1,101 million tonnes, an increment of 49.7 million tonnes over the current year's revised target of about 1,052 million tonnes," the budget document said.