Railways have decided to print "All India Passenger Helpline No 138" on the reserved as well as unreserved train tickets to create awareness about the service, said a senior Railway Ministry official.
Besides, train tickets will also have arrival and departure enquiry number 139 and for security (182) printed on it.
The 138 helpline number is for queries/complaints related to medical emergency, cleanliness, food and catering, coach maintenance and linen.
It has also been decided to print "To report unsavoury situation during journey please dial railway security helpline no 182" at the back of the reserved and unreserved train ticket, he said, adding train enquiry number 139 would be printed in the front side of the ticket.
India Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a public sector undertaking of the Railways, has been directed to make necessary arrangements to ensure printing of the above mentioned text on the hard copies as well as SMS of e-tickets.