Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami today announced a contribution of Rs 5 crore to rain ravaged Kerala as a mark of support to the neighbouring state.
Heavy rains in Kerala led to a series of landslips in the hilly Idukki district and northern parts, killing 26 people since last night.
Referring to the situation, Palaniswami conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families.
The chief minister said he has ordered "immediate contribution of Rs 5 crore," from the chief ministers public relief fund.
This was a token of support and solidarity of Tamil Nadu people and their government with Kerala and its people in the neighbouring state's hour of need, he said.
Kerala was faced with the arduous task of ensuring immediate rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures,he said.
"The government of Tamil Nadu stands ready to render any other assistance as may be required by the government of Kerala," Palaniswami added.