State police till now had to pay Rs 5,000 to the forensic laboratory to get samples tested. The approval for the fee required permission from police headquarters and had to be paid in the form of demand draft, which often consumed time, delaying the probe.
"We have taken this decision to clear pending cases in a timely manner. Samples have to be tested in a maximum of 90 days considering the urgency of the case. State forensic lab will conduct the test free for the police and give its report," state home minister Gulab Chand Kataria said today
Sharing pendency cases figures during the meeting, Kataria said 38,578 cases pending till 2015 have been disposed off, while 6,602 cases out of 10,840 cases that were pending during the year 2016 are yet to be solved.
An Advanced Centre for Cyber Forensics at the forensic laboratory should be set up on priority, Kataria said, and urged officials to procure advanced equipment.
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