A two-judge bench of justices Dalip Singh and Meena V Gomber summoned the top police officials following an admission by the state government earlier that over 6,000 persons, including a large number of girls, have gone missing in last 8 years in the state.
The top police officers, who were summoned included Additional DG (Crimes), IG of various Ranges and SP of Sikar district, besides the state Director general of police, who were ordered by the court to appear before it in person on May 19 to explain their alleged ad-hoc approach of probe in such cases.
The bench took serious note of the fact that no special investigation unit or team was constituted to look into these matters.
"We are surprised that we have time and again cautioned the public prosecutors to ask the police authorities to see that if a special cell can be created to investigate with efficiency and promptness cases of missing persons and there are uncountable number of habeas corpus petitions coming day in and day out, seeking search and production of such missing persons," observed Justice Singh.
Hearing a habeas corpus petition of a girl missing from her home in Sikar district for past six months, the court expressed its anguish over the matter and slammed the administration for its callous approach.
"It gives pain to know that in present case a girl is missing for last 6 months and her sufferings and pains can not be measured. We feel either she has been killed or put to sexual abuse or human trafficking, but the police action shows no extra efforts to unearth the realities," the Bench said.
"The SP concerned seeks only progress report and feels no professional bondage to guide its subordinate over such sensitive matters. The procedure needs revamping," Bench observed.
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When told that the school teacher, with whom she is said to have fled, cleverly left no information about himself wherever he worked, making it difficult to trace the accused, the court said, "It is clear that there can not be any intention of marriage probably the girl has been disposed off after sexual assault."
Justice Singh pressed for a hierarchy of investigation and response team to probe such cases at district, range and state levels and said that such cases should be immediately addressed so that the detainees can be freed immediately and without loss of time.