A case was registered against Hemleta Mehawar, Municipality Chairman of Indergarh area, then Executive Officer Bhagirath Panchal, junior engineers Ajay Babbar, Ganesh Meena, clerk Bheemraj Rayka and two beneficiaries Satayanarayan Sharma and Shankarlal Saini yesterday for issuing illegal residential lease deeds on government land, Niraj Gupta, Inspector of ACB, Bundi said.
The case was registered on the basis of a complaint by Krishan Kumar Sharma, leader of opposition in Indergarh municipality board and ward member Ganesh Gautam who alleged that the Chairman had illegally issued residential lease deeds on government land to Sataynarayan Sharma and Shankarlal Saini for a heavy sum, police said.
In the second case, 177.77 square yards of a government land in ward number 2 of Indergarh municipality area was also illegally regularized and residential lease deed issued to Shankarlal Saini, a resident of ward number 3 of the area, he said.
Both the lease deeds were issued in 2013, Gupta added.