"The Rajasthan Information Commission (RIC) is working on having an online process of RTI in collaboration with state's Information and Technology Department, and it would be made functional soon," Agrawal said during a conference here on 'RTI: Present Status and Prospects'.
A provision of fee deposition would also be made available at e-mitra outlets so that RTI seekers would not have to travel much, the commissioner said, adding the manual process to get information under RTI Act will continue to remain in place in addition to the online access.
"A lok soochna adhikari (public information officer) has a limit of 30 days while the first appeal authority gets 30 to 45 days of limit to give reply, but the second appeal authority has been given no time limit," he said
"RTI applicants have been seeking information from the state government or bodies even before 2005 when RTI act did not exist," he said, adding that many of the departments in the state government did not have a record room or keeper.