Dhannarai Purhohit has been appointed Commissioner of Special "Yogyajan Ayog", while Prakarti Kharadi will be the new chairperson of the State Scheduled Tribe Commission (STC) and Jitendra Meena its vice-chairman, an official spokesperson said.
Chandra Prakash Taisan has been appointed vice chairman of Rajasthan Safai Karmachari Ayog, he said.
Among others who figured as members of Rajasthan Safai Karmchari Ayog included Narayan Dangoriya, Ravi Sangat, Deepak Sangat, Murli Manohar Bandhu, S P Singh, Usha Ratnu, while Surjaram Naik and Dharmendra Rathore have been appointed as members of STC.