Top West Bengal police officer Rajeev Kumar, who has moved Calcutta High Court seeking quashing of a CBI notice asking him to appear before it to assist in its probe into the Saradha chitfund scam, met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in the state assembly Wednesday.
Kumar, who is currently the additional director general of West Bengal CID, met Banerjee in her chamber in the state assembly.
What transpired in the meeting was not known as neither Banerjee nor Kumar spoke to reporters about the meeting and the former Kolkata Police commissioner was seen leaving minutes after the chief minister left the assembly.
The central investigating agency had told the HC on Monday that Kumar did not appear before it for the probe into the multi-crore scam on frivolous grounds.
Kumar had cited several reasons to seek postponement of his date of appearance before the probe agency.
He has moved the HC seeking quashing of a CBI notice which asked him to appear before it for assisting the agency in the probe into the Saradha chitfund scam.
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The Supreme Court had in May 2014 handed over to CBI the probe into several chitfund scams, including the one by the Sudipta Sen-led Saradha Group, which had duped thousands of unsuspecting investors to the tune of Rs 2,500 crore.
Kumar was the commissioner of Bidhannagar Police in 2013 when the scam was unearthed. He was also part of the special investigation team that was formed by the state government to probe allegations against the Saradha Group.
Banerjee had in February this year held a three-day-long sit-in in the city to protest against CBI's attempt to question Kumar in connection with the scams.