The film, which will mark the directorial debut of the 62-year-old actor's daughter Soundarya R Ashwin, narrates the story of a 8th century Pandiya King, Kochadaiyaan Ranadhiran.
The trailer begins with the words- 'There are heroes, there can be superheroes but there is only one...' followed by the grand entry of Rajinikanth in a warrior avatar.
'Kochadaiiyaan' is touted to be India's first motion capture technology (MOCAP) film being made along the lines of Hollywood films like "Avatar", "Polar Express" and "Tin Tin".
"The beautiful princess Vadhana Devi (Deepika's character)... Next teaser just to reveal your stunning looks," Soundarya posted on twitter.
The music has been composed by Oscar winner AR Rahman and will be launched in October. Rajinikanth himself has also lend his voice in one song in the film.
"Kochadaiiyaan" will be dubbed and simultaneously released in Telugu (as "Vikrama Simha"), Malayalam, English and Hindi. The film will hit theatres on Rajinikanth's birthday on December 12.