He also accused the Samajwadi Party of spreading riots in Uttar Pradesh whenever it comes to power in the state and said a delegation would meet the President next week to give him an account of the prevailing situation in riot-hit areas.
"I wanted to meet the families of the victims and take stock of the situation. But the district administration denied me permission saying my visit is not possible in the present circumstances," he told reporters at his official residence here.
"The SP and the BSP want to gain mileage out of the prevailing situation in UP in the Lok Sabha elections," he alleged.
He said he has set up a committee under BJP Legislature Party leader in UP Hukum Singh to prepare a report on the situation in riot-hit areas and the damage caused by the violence.
"We will hand over the report to the President when we meet him on September 24. BJP MLAs from UP will also be part of the delegation," he said.