With 80 Lok Sabha seats, UP is a politically significant state for BJP where it had reaped rich electoral harvests during the Ayodhya temple movement. The meeting held here today discussed ways of ending internal feud in the party and putting up a united fight.
Singh, who is a former Chief Minister of UP, held separate discussions with senior party leaders from the state to know their views. This was followed by a discussion with the whole Core Group and the senior leaders.
BJP intends to take on ruling Samajwadi Party and Congress in UP on issues like law and order, corruption and scams, "bad governance" of both the UPA government at the Centre and the SP-led Samajwadi Party regime in UP.
But BJP is still on the lookout for key poll planks post-Ayodhya on which it can woo the voters. BJP leaders, who espouse the Hindutva cause, are reportedly of the view that the Ram temple issue should be highlighted once again and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi should be the party's face to win voters.