"Such remarks expose PDP's complete and total sell-out to the BJP for the sole aim of coming to power in J&K. The Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh's statement is unfortunate and counter-productive," NC general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar said.
"Both PDP and BJP had pledged to pave way for the revocation of AFSPA in their 'Agenda of the Alliance' - which was marketed as the Common Minimum Program (CMP) between the two parties," he said said.
Revocation of the AFSPA is part of the 'Agenda of Alliance' - the common minimum programme on which the PDP formed government with the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir.
Sagar said this was another "successive U-turn" enacted by Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed-led PDP-BJP Government.
"Sayeed tried to create many moral smokescreens ahead of formally forging PDP's previously informal alliance with the BJP. One such moral smokescreen was PDP's alleged 'condition' of getting AFSPA revoked - which is explicitly mentioned in their alleged 'CMP'," he said.