Dhanraj Maraiya was the driver of the then Superintendent of Police of Jharkhand's Pakur district Amarjit Balihar, who along with five others was killed when Maoists attacked their vehicle on July 2, 2013 in Dumka district.
Maraiya had received three bullet injuries in the attack, leading to the amputation of his right leg.
"Since then I have appealed to various authorities but to no avail. But yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised when I got a call from one of the staff of the Home Minister who invited me to meet him.
The Home Minister came to know about Maraiya through a newspaper report during his two-day visit to Ranchi to attend the Eastern Zonal Council meeting.
Moved by the plight of the 26-year-old man, the Home Minister instructed his staff to arrange a meeting with him.
"I am really thankful to the Home Minister. I have two children, a wife and a mother who are in distress. The telephone call from the Home Minister's staff was a godsend," an emotional Maraiya said.