Rajya Sabha today saw uproar and repeated adjournments after Ministers-- Arun Jaitley and Piyush Goyal-- disputed the version of Congress leader Selja that she had faced discrimination because of her caste in a temple in Gujarat a few years back.
"You must have the grace, the magnanimity and the graciousness to simply unconditionally withdraw it and to apologise. You do not become small, you become bigger with this," party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi said.
"Is it only because everybody in this Government - Ministers downwards and officials in particular are trying to score brownie points to please the Master whenever Gujarat arises or anything to do with Gujarat and some buttons are pressed in supersonic speed," he said.
"Perhaps there was a biggest hit-wicket and self-goal in this anxiety to please the Gujarat Masters," he said.
"The word manufactured has been manufactured to become the most favourite manufactured word. You insult a lady Member, you actually make a false statement about what she said and then no less than a Minister calls it manufactured," he said.