BJP's high-voltage campaign was led by party veteran L K Advani and its Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi who lambasted Sheila Dikshit dispensation on various issues while appealing to people to use the opportunity to vote out the "corrupt" government which has been in power for 15 years.
"The Congress is completely submerged in corruption. The Sheila Dikshit government has totally failed to address any of the major problems in Delhi. You must oust it," Modi said addressing well-attended rally at Dakshinpuri in South Delhi.
The Congress' campaign was led by Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit who addressed around seven election meetings during which she accused the opposition parties of misleading people of Delhi to grab power and asked people to vote for "continuity" and "inclusive development".
"We have changed the face of Delhi in the last 15 years. But the task is not yet finished. We need your support to continue the development agenda," Dikshit said addressing a rally in Kamla Nagar area in Model Town constituency.
She attacked the UPA government, alleging that its wrong policies has lead to rise in the prices of essential commodities which has hit the country's poor and middle class hard.