Alleging that Ramdev had allegedly made a statement provoking the people and particularly, the youths, to stay away from the functions for celebrating the I-Day, Kumar told reporters that they would never tolerate it.
"We demand that Baba Ramdev be tried for treason for his anti-nation statement," Kumar said after attending an Iftaar party.
Kumar also expressed his opinion against the Congress entering into an electoral alliance with any other political parties in Bihar.
"We should go all alone during the Lok Sabha and assembly polls in Bihar," he said.
"But, at the same time, we should also not not allow rise of communal forces.... And if there will a need, we should also not not shy away from forging alliance with the secular parties in Bihar," the state youth Congress president said.
Lalan Kumar said Bihar Youth Congress would launch a membership drive from next month.
"Our mission will be to enrol ten lakh members in the next two months and our priority will be to ensure that only those who are free from corruption, casteism, communalism and believe the ideology of the Congress be made the members of the state youth congress," Kumar added.