His statement against the BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate came a day after Modi government dismissed as "factually incorrect" the claims made by the Rural Development Minister that the state had failed to spend a chunk of the central funds meant for Centre's ambitious Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) in the state.
Ramesh rejected the counter charges made by the Gujarat Government, saying that all the figures that he had mentioned in his letter to Modi on the issue of utilisation of central fund for IWMP in the state was not "manufactured" by the Rural Development Ministry.
"I am sorry that you have been badly misinformed. All the figures that I have quoted in my letter are in the public domain and are available on our website. We have not manufactured them. They are there for anybody to see," Ramesh said.
In his earlier letter, Ramesh had claimed that under the IWMP, the Centre had, so far, released Rs 702 crore and the unspent balance available with the state was about Rs 409 crore.
Dismissing the allegation, state government spokesperson Nitin Patel had said yesterday that Ramesh's claims are factually incorrect and misleading as his data reflects expenditure up to June 30, 2013 only.