Bollywood actor, writer and producer Vivek Vaswani was present when the MoU was signed by Ramoji Kiran Universe Dean Prof Ujjwal K Chowdhury and Actor Studio School of Communication director Abhishake De Sarkar here.
Ramoji Film City (RFC), which has been at the forefront of the Indian film industry, has now decided to create future professionals for country's showbiz segment, an RFC statement said here.
Actor Studio School will launch courses in film making, animation and cinematography for a duration of three months.
RKU will provide accommodation, food and arrange a tour of Ramoji film city for all students free of cost.
Actor Studio School have co-produced two Bengali feature films this year.
Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad, was set up by Ramoji Group and it produces over 100 films every year.
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