Ranbir, who shared the stage with veteran lyricist Gulzar and CFSI CEO Shravan Kumar ahead of the launch of ICFFI here, wished that more films are made for children in the country.
"I am privileged to be here and be part of a platform that encourages films for children... Of the toughest audience as they speak from their heart," he said.
Replying to query, he said making entertaining films which the children can relate to is the best way to draw their attention in the age of modern gadgets holding sway over the tiny tots.
He said he liked 'Mr India', 'Amar Akbar Anthony', among others as a child. Gulzar said setting up children film centres in every state would be an effective way of taking films to the children.
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Ranbir also said it is the duty of the elders to address them and children films is an effective medium to reach out to them.
Shravan Kumar said that this year's ICFFI is far more superior in content as compared to the previous editions.
Best international films have been sourced, including some from the Cannes market, and Kumar added that the focus this year will be on children with special needs.