Apart from Karnataka, Gujarat, Bengal and Tamil Nadu, the other two teams that have got direct entry into the quarter-finals are Punjab and Jharkhand.
The two pre quarter-finals will be played on March 10 with Railways taking on Baroda in a day-night encounter at the Eden Gardens while Services will take on Vidarbha in a day game at the Jadavpur University (2nd campus) ground in Salt Lake.
All the day-night matches held at the Eden Gardens will be telecast live on Star Sports.
Also Read
March 10, 2014
Match 1: Pre Quarterfinals: Railways vs Baroda (Eden Gardens, live telecast)
Match 2: Pre Quarterfinals: Services vs Vidarbha (Jadavpur University 2nd Campus, day game)
March 11, 2014
Match 3: Quarter-finals: Bengal vs Tamil Nadu (Eden Gardens, Day-night, live telecast)
Match 4: Quarter-finals: Gujarat vs Karnataka (JU 2nd Campus ground; day game)
Match 5: Quarter-final: Punjab vs Winner of (Railways vs Baroda) (Eden Gardens, day-night live telecast)
Match 6: Quarter-final: Jharkhand vs Winner of (Services vs Vidarbha) (JU 2nd campus, day game)
March 14, 2014
Match 7: Semi-final: Winners (Match 3 vs Match 5) (Eden Gardens, day night, live telecast)
Match 8: Semi-final: Winners (Match 4 vs Match 6) (JU 2nd Campus ground; day game)
March 16, 2016
Final: Winners (Match 7 vs Match 8) (Eden Gardens, day night, live telecast).