"I have submitted the messages exchanged between me and the victim through SMSes and WhatsApp. After going through these messages, it will be clear that she (the model) filed the case against DIG Paraskar purely for publicity so that she gets a place in a reality show," Rizwan Siddiqui, who earlier represented the model, has told the police.
The lawyer said he had sent a "notice" to Paraskar in the second week of July on behalf of the alleged victim to protest the demand by the officer for expensive gifts.
The model has in her complaint to the police said Paraskar demanded expensive gifts from her.
Siddiqui said he stopped representing the model after he realised her intentions were not "right".
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"I have the recording where Rizwan Siddiqui suggests offering money to the victim and forget about the case," Salunkhe said.
The 25-year-old model had lodged a complaint against Paraskar on July 23 accusing him of raping and molesting her between November 2013 and March 2014 when he was posted as the Additional Commissioner of Police (North Region) with the Mumbai police.
Following a complaint by the model, Paraskar was booked under IPC sections 376(2)(rape by a police officer), 376 C (intercourse by superintendent of jail, remand home, etc) and 354 (D) (stalking).